Dr. Leslie A. Stuart
and Associates

“A knowledgeable and proactive parent is often the critical factor responsible for transforming an unhappy struggling child into a happy one.”
Dr. Sally Shaywitz
Author of Overcoming Dyslexia
A Bit About Psychological Testing
Process and Philosophy

Dr. Leslie A. Stuart specializes in working with children, adolescents, families, and adults. She provides psychotherapy as well as comprehensive psychological evaluations to diagnose or rule out possible learning disabilities, language disorders, attentional issues, processing problems, and social-emotional issues. Dr. Stuart sees children as young as four years old through adulthood.
With an evaluation completed by Dr. Stuart, families can determine appropriate school placement for their children and assess the need for services and accommodations. Dr. Stuart works closely with a variety of educational settings, including public schools, private schools, specialized academic settings, colleges, and graduate schools.
A comprehensive evaluation is an effective way to explore a student’s learning profile and identify strengths and weaknesses. The information obtained can, in turn, determine not only proper school placement, but also help with specific teacher placement, appropriate study strategies, and knowledge of how a student learns.
Dr. Stuart has particular expertise in the diagnosis and treatment of individuals with dyslexia, dysgraphia, dyscalculia, ADHD (Attention Deficit-Hyperactivity Disorder), auditory/language processing problems, and nonverbal learning disabilities.
Evaluations consist of five to six hours of one-on-one testing, all provided directly by Dr. Stuart herself. There is also a one-and-a-half-hour feedback session during which Dr. Stuart sits down with parents to go over all test results, interpretations, and recommendations. Following the evaluation, parents will receive a comprehensive written psychological report with all of the results, interpretations, and recommendations. This essentially provides a “road-map” to guide parents, schools, teachers, and other professionals who may be involved in the remediation of the student.
Components of the psychological evaluation include an examination of IQ/intellect, academic skills, auditory and visual processing skills, learning and memory, attention/concentration, executive functioning/organizational skills, and social-emotional functioning.
If you have any questions or would like to schedule a psychological evaluation or therapy appointment, please do not hesitate to contact me. Due to the individual nature of every case, I encourage all parents to call or email me to discuss their child’s needs and their own expectations of our intervention.
During the workday, I tend to be in session with clients; therefore, if I am unable to take your call immediately, please leave me a message, and I will return your call as soon as possible - typically the same day. Voicemail is also available 24 hours a day and calls received after regular business hours are usually returned within one business day.
About Dr Leslie Stuart
Academic and Professional Background
Dr. Leslie A. Stuart has been working with clients in private practice since 1998. Her doctorate is in clinical psychology from Nova Southeastern University in Florida. Much of Dr. Stuart’s training was obtained in family clinics and VA hospitals. She completed a Post-Doctoral Fellowship in a private practice setting. Her clinical practice currently serves children, adolescents, families, and adults in the Atlanta area. Dr. Stuart served on the Georgia Senate Study Committee on Dyslexia. She was also recently appointed to the Georgia Department of Education’s Dyslexia Task Force, where she is working to ensure that all public school students are screened for dyslexia and all teachers are trained to teach dyslexic students.
Dr. Stuart is married and has two daughters who test her psychological expertise every day.
Professional Organizations and Awards
Recipient of The International Dyslexia Association Outstanding Service Award 2019
Served on the Georgia State Senate Study Committee on Dyslexia (2018)
Former Board Member International Dyslexia Association - GA Branch
American Psychological Association
Georgia Psychological Association

Some Helpful Resources
If you are looking to stay informed and up to date about all the latest research and resources in the field of educational psychology, then you have come to the right place. At Dr. Leslie A. Stuart and Associates, I offer families a number of useful and informative resources that are available for them and for their children. I cover a broad range of subjects in the field. Browse through just some of the resources below!
https://dyslexiaida.org (International Dyslexia Assoc.)
https://ga.dyslexiaida.org (GA Branch-IDA)
www.chadd.org (Children & adults with ADHD)
www.ldag.org (Learning Disabilities Assoc. of GA)
www.learningally.org (previously Recordings for the Blind & Dyslexic)
Further Reading​
Overcoming Dyslexia by Dr. Sally Shaywitz
The Gift of Dyslexia by Dr. Ronald Davis
The Dyslexic Advantage by Brock Eide
Taking Charge of ADHD by Dr. Russell Barkley
Driven to Distraction by Drs. Hallowell & Ratey
Answers to Distraction by Drs. Hallowell & Ratey
Delivered from Distraction by Drs. Hallowell & Ratey
All the Answers You Seek, In One Place
Getting Started
As mentioned above, if you have any questions or would like to schedule a psychological evaluation, please do not hesitate to contact me.
During the workday, I tend to be in session; therefore, I am unable to take calls. It is typically easiest to start our communication by emailing me at leslie@laspsych.com. I will attend to all emails as soon as I'm available. Of course, I am also happy to discuss your needs by telephone. Feel free to reach out to me either way.
You can leave a voicemail 24 hours a day and calls received after regular business hours are usually returned within one business day.
What to expect once we have testing scheduled
Prior to the evaluation, I will send paperwork for parents and teachers to complete. That is what I rely on for the "big picture." That way, when starting the testing, I have some knowledge and background information that can guide my process.
My first goal when meeting your child is building rapport. Your child must feel comfortable in order to perform well. I spend a great deal of time emphasizing the importance of just trying their best. I explain the process--that this is a way to find out more about how they learn. We all have things we are good at and things we struggle with. I let them know that this is a very informal process. Most children find it fun and enjoyable.
What to expect after the evaluation
Following an evaluation, I can usually meet for feedback quickly--often the same day we finish the testing. During that 1.5 hour session, I enable you to understand all of the empirical data (the numbers), as well as my interpretations and conclusions. You will walk out of that session having a clear understanding of how your child learns, including specific diagnoses. And most importantly, you will have the "road map" to follow, with regard to learning strategies, educational settings, specialized tutors, etc.
Approximately one week after the feedback session, you will receive your detailed written report. This will include everything discussed at our feedback session. I write the report with the intention of enabling others involved to clearly understand your child's learning profile. This might include teachers, physicians, tutors, etc. This report is also a necessity in helping your child receive formal accommodations in school, on standardized tests (IOWAs, ERBs, SATs, ACTs), and in college. However, you are the ones who decide with whom to share the report.
Lectures and Public Information Sessions
Involvement in the local community
In my career as a psychologist, I have been fortunate to be able to share my knowledge and expertise with others. I frequently give talks to help people understand psychological testing and effectively interpret psychological reports. These talks are geared for parents, educators, administrators, and other professionals.
Understanding Psychological Evaluations
Grace Point School
Friday June 13th, 2025 from 8:30am to 11:30am
Understanding and interpreting Psychological Reports
Grace Point School
Friday July 26th, 2024 from 9:00am to 12:00pm
Understanding Psychological Evaluations
Holy Spirit Preparatory School
Friday June 4th, 2021 from 8:30am to 11:30am
This workshop will focus on interpreting psychological test results. Attendees will gain expertise in a variety of learning differences that can be revealed by the test results. They will gain an understanding of the numbers seen in psychological reports and be able to interpret them in the context of an individual’s learning profile. A broader understanding of learning differences will also help educators identify potential issues in the classroom. Newly revised tests will be discussed, including the WISC-V and the Woodcock Johnson IV. Seminar format is designed to be interactive, as questions and discussions are encouraged.
This course is worth .3 CEU credits
This workshop will focus on interpreting psychological test results. Attendees will gain expertise in a variety of learning differences that can be revealed by the test results. They will gain an understanding of the numbers seen in psychological reports and be able to interpret them in the context of an individual’s learning profile. A broader understanding of learning differences will also help educators identify potential issues in the classroom. Newly revised tests will be discussed, including the WISC-V and the Woodcock Johnson IV. Seminar format is designed to be interactive, as questions and discussions are encouraged.
Testing: From Diagnosis to Intervention
Academy of Orton-Gillingham Practitioners and Educators Annual Conference
April 9th & 10th, 2021
Margaret Rawson said it best. "The Diagnosis is clinical...the treatment is educational." This session will take a look at the two sides of formal psychological testing, the diagnosis, and the subsequent intervention. Formal assessments will be analyzed and discussed. Then, based on the results of formal testing, appropriate prescriptive, individualized instructional strategies will be explored. ADM, CT, F/FIT, PSY, RS, TU; CAL; INTER, ADV

Dr. Kristen Zychinski and Dr. Leslie Stuart
Contact and Directions
Please do not hesitate to contact me if I can answer any questions or if you would like to schedule an evaluation.
1100 Johnson Ferry Rd NE, Suite 230
Atlanta, Georgia 30342
During this unprecedented time of COVID-19, I continue to test in person. I believe that this process needs to be face-to-face for many reasons. There is so much data obtained just being directly with a student. Additionally, establishing rapport is one of the most important components of the process. Children need to feel comfortable in order to perform their best. Being face-to-face facilitates that rapport. Lastly, these tests have not been normed for remote or virtual administration; therefore, results could be skewed if they are not administered in person. Having said all of this, I am taking a number of precautions:
All practice staff have received the COVID vaccine
Enhanced HEPA air filtration
Sanitizing all surfaces including computers, desks, and testing supplies;
Maintaining social distance by testing at a large 2-sided desk;
Requiring masks for all who enter the office; and
Encouraging families to limit the number of people dropping the child off or waiting in the waiting room